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  • Kohlröserlhaus auf der H...
    Austria | Lower Aust | Stollhof
  • Purdue University - Engineering Mall
    Purdue University - Engi...
    United States | Indiana | West Lafay
  • Matarengivägen
    Sweden | Norrbotten | Övertorneå
  • Matarengivägen
    Sweden | Norrbotten | Övertorneå
  • Buffalo Trace Distillery - Grounds Area
    Buffalo Trace Distillery...
    United States | Kentucky | Frankfort
  • Buffalo Trace Distillery - Gift Shop
    Buffalo Trace Distillery...
    United States | Kentucky | Frankfort
  • Buffalo Trace Distillery - Blanton Bottling
    Buffalo Trace Distillery...
    United States | Kentucky | Frankfort
  • University of Heidelberg - Kirchhoff Institute for Physics - Foucault's Pendulum
    University of Heidelberg...
    Germany | Baden-Württ | Heidelberg
  • Volgsjön Lake
    Sweden | Västerbotte | Vilhelmina
  • Matarengivägen
    Sweden | Norrbotten | Övertorneå
  • Buffalo Trace Distillery - Grounds Area
    Buffalo Trace Distillery...
    United States | Kentucky | Frankfort
  • Buffalo Trace Distillery - Blanton Bottling
    Buffalo Trace Distillery...
    United States | Kentucky | Frankfort
  • Purdue University - Engineering Mall
    Purdue University - Engi...
    United States | Indiana | West Lafay
  • Buffalo Trace Distillery - Fermenter Room
    Buffalo Trace Distillery...
    United States | Kentucky | Frankfort
  • Buffalo Trace Distillery - Weller Hall
    Buffalo Trace Distillery...
    United States | Kentucky | Frankfort
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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