09/15/24 00:55: N Q: Ben to control this camera, just figure out who lives in that house, find their phone number, call them and ask them if they would allow you to control their cam.....good luck with that !I'll give you an hint on how to find that house, bring up a google map of Staten Island, put it in street mode and scroll up and down every street till you find that house and once you have the street address, google that address and see if you can find the name of the owner of the house.
09/14/24 01:34: Ben Lincoln: How to I control this cam?
09/08/24 23:57: Ben Lincoln: How do I move this cam?
09/08/24 23:55: Ben Lincoln: please have the shop owner move stuff away from blocking the clock.
09/08/24 21:21: Ben Lincoln: How do you move the camera?
09/05/24 23:06: Ben Lincoln: How do I move this cam?
09/05/24 22:53: Ben Lincoln: How do I control this cam?