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Recycling Center
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2.00 from 2 votes
Recycling Center

2331 hours ago

Recycling Center

2334 hours ago

Recycling Center

2337 hours ago

Recycling Center

2340 hours ago

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Comments (8)

MD 05/09/20 19:16


stargzr 05/09/20 17:44

Must be some of those "bad chocolates."         :D

MD 05/09/20 17:41

Girl ...... what are you on???   LOLOL

Taysy 05/09/20 10:44

I'm going to catch something strange on one of these cams.... I just know it.


Also on another cam, I forgot what it was, but at around midnight I was viewing it and saw a purple ball MOVING ON ITS OWN.

So I actually did catch something strange on of the cams, but I need more. A lot more. I was having a dream where I saw a meteor on 5 random cams and they were coming straight for the cam. when all the meteors hit simultaneously, I woke up. Hope you enjoyed, I guess. xD

MD 12/11/19 17:15

We have a saying ....  "Where there's muck there's brass."  I'm sure recycling stuff is "muck."  :D

There were so many lovely views.  One of the French cams was on the building where we used to pay our taxes. The view took in a rambling country road .... which went past a Lidl shop ..... and led to the sea front.  We lived just to the left ... out of camera shot but I sometimes take a look for old time's sake.

stargzr 12/11/19 16:42

Indeed.  Never mind the lovely shots of Norway, Sweden, France, etc., that we've long as we can have our recycling shots.  :)

MD 12/11/19 16:35

Just what we need.  LOL

stargzr 12/11/19 16:31

Thank goodness, another recycling cam.


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