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?@weczka internetowa (Internet Bench)

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?@weczka internetowa (Internet Bench)

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?@weczka internetowa (Internet Bench)

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Comments (7422)

N Q 04/23/24 16:23

Hi silversquirrel, after I stated we were having warm temps, our temps went in the opposite direction, woke up to frost and snow for a few days but we're now headed back into warmer weather.

We used to have nice summers where the highs were in the 80's-low 90's but with climate changes, we now get up into the high 90's and low 100's so not so pleasant anymore :( but a hell of a lot nicer than AZ. I think if I lived there that I'ld spend all of my time inside during the summer !

silversquirrel 04/17/24 01:40

Hi NQ.  We're heating up over the next few days.  It's been a lovely cool and wet Spring.   It's goodbye to the 70s and 80s.   Wisconsin in the summer must be comfortable.  I have a friend who lives in Mequon.   Used to be a Florida snowbird but has moved back recently to WI.   Good to see you here.   

N Q 04/16/24 14:23

Hi silversquirrel, has it heated up in Arizona yet ? I'm in Wis and we already hit 80 degrees a couple of times, normally our temps are around 50 degrees at this time of the year.

silversquirrel 04/16/24 01:28

Hi fellow camera travelers.   Just checking in.  Arizona Sue/Silver Squirrel.  

N Q 04/15/24 14:41

Hi Homely, sorry to hear that work is keeping you too busy ! I've been enjoying my retirement, not really doing a lot, just relishing not having to get up and go anywhere daily :)

I've been in chat groups and forums since the year 2000 and over the years many of the people I've met have disappeared and with only a handful I found out later that they had passed away. It unfortunately is the way of the internet, meet strangers, become friends and then have them disappear from your life, leaving you guessing if they're dead or alive and had a medical reason for leaving or an electronic reason or if they're like me, they got tired of some of the chatters and just decided to move onto another chat platform. Though in MD's case, I really do feel that she passed away :(

Take care and don't work too hard :)

Homely 04/10/24 17:43

Hi, All - Happy Spring and all of that jazz. Had a breathtakingly busy several months here at work, but am through the worst of it now and thinking of you. Never heard anything from BJ or anyone else in response to my outreach. Very sad, but I suppose that is all of the answer we will ever know. I've done my level best to get condolences out to her.

Homely 04/10/24 17:43

Hi, All - Happy Spring and all of that jazz. Had a breathtakingly busy several months here at work, but am through the worst of it now and thinking of you. Never heard anything from BJ or anyone else in response to my outreach. Very sad, but I suppose that is all of the answer we will ever know. I've done my level best to get condolences out to her.

N Q 03/29/24 22:01

Wishing all of you in Opentopialand a nice Easter. It looks like mine is going to be wet but at least it's going to be in liquid form instead of that white stuff :)

poutineconsumer 02/18/24 09:35

there's not a lot of people here.

anyways, hope you guys are doing alright

N Q 02/17/24 18:56

stargzr new electronics can be a pain in the butt, I just got a new smart phone a couple weeks ago and I'm still trying to figure it out !

I'm totally laughing at the orange head right now with the $350 million fine. I have a friend who read through the judgement and found out that fine amount is actually how much money he saved by paying lower interest payments due to his fraud, she said that the judge also tacked on another $100 million due to his fraud but I haven't seen that make the news yet, maybe my friend is the only one who took the time to read the judgement, maybe I'll try reading it later.

stargzr 02/13/24 21:41

Hi N Q,  I'm a bit tardy in responding but thanks for the info.  You are so right about using the mouse ...first thing I did when I got the laptop was order a mouse!  My problems had to do mostly with ineptitude on the part of the operator (me).  Oh, MD would be having a field day with Orangeman and MTG and Boebert.  Some days you just don't know whether to laugh or cry.  :->

N Q 02/04/24 16:09

Hi Silversquirrel & Stargzr,
I'm sure MD would have a lot to say about orange head and how he's going to look nice in his orange jumpsuit :)
Stargzr are you using a mouse with your laptop ? I ask because I've know a few people who had problems doing anything with the touchpad and I had them change to using a mouse and all of their problems went away. A mouse is more precise than the touchpad.

silversquirrel 02/04/24 00:33

Hi Stargzr.   I'm glad you're still here on this site.  Can you imagine how MD would be commenting on the latest developments with the Orange Arse?   Good luck with the new laptop!

stargzr 02/02/24 22:20

Hello, again.  Yeah...I'm here but struggling with a new laptop that just doesn't like me.  We've had some weird weather (ice storms) but everything else OK (won't mention the Orange elephant in the room!). Hope all is well with you and you've got travel plans for me to share vicariously.

I'm going to try to send this and if all goes well, maybe back for more later.  :)

silversquirrel 02/02/24 01:06

Hello NQ and Homely.   I'm sorry about the weather this time of year in places where it gets cold.  It seems that half of the Midwest and Western Canada spend the winter here in Phoenix.   Can't blame them.  It's beautiful here this time of year, which is why we put up with the heat in the summer.  

Homely, thanks for your diligence in trying to determine what happened to MD.  It's something that many of us here would appreciate knowing why she is not here any longer.  

Hello to Stargzr.  I know she checks in here from time to time.  

N Q 01/30/24 21:05

Sorry Homely for jinxing you but other than the shoveling, I'm betting the snow looks pretty and the ski resorts are happy ! I still haven't gotten any snow other than a half inch that melted the next day, tomorrow we're suppose to be in the 50's, a far cry from our normal temps of single digits or minus temps.

When BJ took a leave from work in 2020 and MD said something about her being very axoius about covid, I sorta assume she would be fired at some point because she was the store manager and it seems like she was off from work for months, at some point they would have needed to replace her and because her apartment was above the store, possibly it went with the job, there's a possibility that BJ moved. There's also a possibility that she doesn't monitor old email accounts. I was going through my list of passwords and came across an old gmail account that I don't remember making or why I would have made it but I did checked in on it and found it loaded with junk mail that I didn't take the time to go through, I just deleted it. It could be that your email end up in her spam folder and she deleted it without looking at it.

Homely 01/30/24 17:59

Hello, Friends! I've been offline due to work going insane. Plus, two weeks ago we had two big snowstorms in one week and I spent a lot of time shoveling!!! N Q, I think we jinxed me!  I have pretty much exhausted all possible avenues in my search for MD. Although I believe that my outreach has been directed in the correct places, I have received no response to any of it. I think about her often and will pick the threads back up if I can come up with any other alternatives... I do believe that I located the SPAR where BJ worked, but my outreach there was also met with silence. I actually do not think she still works there. Sigh. 

stargzr 01/18/24 01:30

I quit!!!! Back later.

stargzr 01/18/24 01:28
stargzr 01/18/24 01:11

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