Denmark rose as a great military and mercantile power in the 12th century. It had an interest to end the frequent Estonian Viking attacks that threatened its Baltic trade. Danish fleets attacked Estonia in 1170, 1194, and 1197. In 1206, King Valdemar II and archbishop Andreas Sunonis led a raid on Ösel island (Saaremaa). The Kings of Denmark laid a claim on Estonia as their possession, which was recognised by the pope. The capital of Danish Estonia was Reval (Tallinn), founded at the place of Lyndanisse after the invasion of 1219. The Danes built the fortress of Castrum Danorum at Toompea Hill. Estonians still call their capital "Tallinn", which according to an urban legend derives from Taani linna (Danish town or castle).
  • Keskväljak
    Estonia | Järvamaa | Paide
  • Keskväljak
    Estonia | Järvamaa | Paide
  • Keskväljak
    Estonia | Järvamaa | Paide
  • Tallinn Harbour (Webcam Offline)
    Tallinn Harbour (Webcam ...
    Estonia | Harjumaa | Tallinn
  • Keskväljak
    Estonia | Järvamaa | Paide
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