Travel much? 50% of Americans still live 80kilometers (50miles) away from where they were born!
  • Boston University - Marsh Plaza
    Boston University - Mars...
    United States | Massachuse | Boston
  • Webcam in Boston,United States
    United States | Massachuse | Boston
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Break Room
    Massachusetts Institute ...
    United Stat | Massachuse | Cambridge
  • I90 & Storrow Drive Looking West
    I90 & Storrow Drive Look...
    United States | Massachuse | Boston
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These are web cameras with IP addresses, which send a continuous stream of pictures in the Motion JPEG format. These feeds are checked every three hours or so. The first frame of the video is grabbed and resized as a thumbnail. The general location is at first guessed based on the IP number, but can be edited by whoever has better information.


These videos are most likely copyrighted by whoever owns the cameras. The snapshots you see here appear as fair use according to copyright law. However, if a picture from your webcam appears here and you object to that, let us know and it will be removed.


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