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Comments (112)

trix abound 05/27/16 00:33

LOL MD....who knew???!!!!

MD 05/26/16 22:17

I'm smacking my wrist.  But it was suspicious .... combing his hair.  LOL

Have a lovely evening with daughter.

trix abound 05/26/16 21:29

he's back......with daughter!!!!!

MD 05/26/16 20:41

That would have been good ..... but he's selfish. As long as he's ok then everything's fine. At least you have some me-time but it would be much better if daughter was with you.

trix abound 05/26/16 20:35

I just wish he had brought daughter down before he left!!!!!

MD 05/26/16 20:16

That's a sure giveaway!  LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

trix abound 05/26/16 20:04

MDMDMDMD....I think hubby has gone to meet up with someone....he combed his hair...HAHAHAHAHA

MD 05/26/16 20:02

Hahaha. She keeps on about the fact that she doesn't lock her front door and says that - a while ago - Scott - from a lower floor - actually came home at 5am one day and came into her apartment by mistake. She thought it was funny and says it's quite safe not to lock the door as nobody from the outside can get in. Not so long ago the SWAT team were in there because one of the residents had a gun and was being silly enough for the SWAT team to be called in. He could have gone in to Susan's. He missed his chance.

And now she knows better than the eye doctor. She was prescribed contacts for both eyes - differing strengths. So she decides she can get away with wearing just one. That's so silly and it won't save her any money and she is now complaining about her eyes again.

trix abound 05/26/16 19:34

maybe she thought they were going to do an ultrasound on her eye ;D

MD 05/26/16 17:35

Ps ..... I don't think she is capable of keeping it in check.

MD 05/26/16 17:34

Part 2. When she was in the waiting room she noticed a sign to patients who were waiting for an ultrasound scan saying "Please do not empty your bladder prior to exam.  Exception: If instructed by Dawn, it's ok."    Perfectly clear to me but a few days later she says:

" Monday I was not so happy with the eye doctor's office. 'Jen' pissed me off, the doctor pissed me off and I was pissed off that I was supposed to ask Dawn if I could piss."        She wasn't supposed to ask Dawn anything - she wasn't there for an ultrasound.

And I think Sunday 22nd of October must have been a low-news-for-LJ-day and she had to invent something. Professional window cleaners cleaning her condo block. That would surely have been double the expense and I can't see the condo committee going for that.

trix abound 05/26/16 17:30

I think I know why she didn't like going to her moms....because she had to keep her snide attitude in check!!!

MD 05/26/16 17:10

Trix .... I bet she talks to herself with that tone. She uses contact lenses for a month that should be discarded after 2 weeks.... she's even slept with ancient contact lenses in her eyes and only noticed the next day when she can't find them in the solution they are supposed to be kept in...... and she's done that more than once. Now .... surprisingly .... she has sore eyes and has to go to the eye specialist. She has never been to this place before and this is her attitude:

" There were two receptionists. One was a snit and, I found out on my way out that the other one is not so bright."

She really does think she's superior to everyone who is unfortunate enough to come into contact with her.

trix abound 05/26/16 16:46

LOL MD....I'm sure she talks with a "tone" know....the one hubby's hate!!!!!

MD 05/26/16 16:23

She doesn't bite people's heads off????? She never does anything else .... unless it's her army of fans on LJ. Then she kisses butts big time. LOL!!!

" I'm not generally a lovely person but I can usually not bite people's heads off. It helps that I never see anyone and rarely talk to anyone."

MD 05/26/16 16:15


trix abound 05/26/16 15:58

LOL's the hoop, now jump, dammit :)

MD 05/26/16 15:33

Oh yes .... she is full of contradictions.  She came out with another version of her dad's dad .... the stowaway/British navy serviceman became a 15yr old in the Merchant Navy ... he lied about his age. I think she lied about that!!!!!

The letter to her doctor ... she woke up worrying about it.... then annoyed because she hadn't had an instant reply so she sent another email to a "higher-up-the ladder-in the office" person. Then she rang and was told to choose another doctor. This was the result:

"I looked at the bio of the two and and picked one and called and was told - pretty snippily - that that doctor did not accept transfer patients. I allowed as how I had special circumstances and she allowed as how that mattered not."

She allowed as "I had special circumstances."   That must mean special because "I am Susan Dennis and don't you forget it." It really is All About Me Me Me.   :D

trix abound 05/26/16 15:23

MD....she contradicts herself all the time!!!!!

MD 05/26/16 15:05

Part 2 ...... she has just sent a letter to her doctor that I thought was very rude but all of her "fans" said it was a wonderful letter. Susan doesn't seem to appreciate that some blood tests, and other tests, take a while before you get the results. She seems to want everything instantly .... it's as if she thinks she is the only person in the world who matters. Oh I do hope karma works!!!!!!   :D


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