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Sheri's Sweet Shoppe
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Sheri's Sweet Shoppe

10551 hours ago

Sheri's Sweet Shoppe

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Sheri's Sweet Shoppe

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Sheri's Sweet Shoppe

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Comments (883)

Phoenix 09/28/23 15:28

Must have turned off the cam on the Sweet Shop.. sad, it was funny to watch people eating...

Arizona Sue 06/18/23 22:34

Hi Sandra.   You and I are on the same page when it comes to politics!  I can only take so much before I change the channel and watch a movie.  It's going to be a bumpy ride for the next year and a half.  Our rainy season started this week.  So far no rain.  We also get severe thunderstorms and heavy rains when the monsoon starts.  Today it is 105 degrees.  Normal for this time of year.  Alas, we may never know more about MD.  I sure wish her daughter would post something.  

Phoenix 06/17/23 18:54

Hi Sue, next time you're down here we could go out for lunch somewhere, I'd like to meet up with you! I try to not watch or listen to very much politics.. De Santis makes me want to throw up when I see his greasy face.. Hope Trump gets put away for a long time.. Don't know what to make of Biden any more.. I hear so much negative about him,  but try to take it with a pinch of salt. Wouldn't vote for that bible thumper Pence, that's for sure.. Now we're into the thunderstorms and rain season, I don't mind the rain, but the thunderstorms are something else and our two dogs are terrified of them.. We have meds, but have to know over an hour before a storm hits.. not easy at all. No word back from the woman at the newspaper, so I guess we might be left wondering what has happened to MD. :-(

Arizona Sue 06/14/23 21:32

Hi Sandra.  Summers are brutal here as well.  No humidity.  Just heat.  But our winters are glorious.   Could happen when hubby and I visit his Florida son -- I'd love to meet you!   Florida stepson and his wife were married last year in Jupiter.  It was beautiful in May.  What do you make of Florida politics?   I imagine that MD would be heavily commenting on our US craziness in all things political.   I hope that you hear something from your contact at the Devon newspaper.   

Arizona Sue 06/14/23 21:32

Hi Sandra.  Summers are brutal here as well.  No humidity.  Just heat.  But our winters are glorious.   Could happen when hubby and I visit his Florida son -- I'd love to meet you!   Florida stepson and his wife were married last year in Jupiter.  It was beautiful in May.  What do you make of Florida politics?   I imagine that MD would be heavily commenting on our US craziness in all things political.   I hope that you hear something from your contact at the Devon newspaper.   

Phoenix 06/14/23 13:50

Hi new friend Sue!  Florida is all right during the winter/spring months, but the summers are a bit wicked.. West Palm is a nice area.  No word back yet from the woman at the paper, very much doubt now if she'll get back. .. wonder where MD is, hope she's all right.  This cam appears to be down.. like a lot of others. I'll give you the link to a cam overlooking the yacht club in my home town. The cam is set up by the restaurnant Scotts, good food and atmosphere. My Granny and Grandpa lived in one of the houses you can see off to the far right.

Arizona Sue 06/13/23 00:54

Hi Phoenix.  Don't get me started on South Florida.  My stepson lives in West Palm Beach.  He loves it.  Hello new friend!

Phoenix 06/12/23 19:49

Hi Sue, request granted!!!  See you!! 

Phoenix 06/12/23 19:46

Hi Sue, no I'm not in Scotland.. moved to Sweden in 1974, married a Swede, then he got a position over here in South Florida so we moved here in 1992 .. It was fun in the beginning.  Friend request?? 

Arizona Sue 06/12/23 00:36

Phoenix, I sent you a friend request.  Troon!

Arizona Sue 06/11/23 21:18

Phoenix, are you in Scotland?

Phoenix 06/10/23 23:11

Still no word.. probably thinks it a scam.. i'm on Facebook, by the way. Sandra Ericson,

Cheers, all..  XXXX

Homely 06/07/23 15:29

Excellent effort though, Phoenix!

Phoenix 06/06/23 17:59

The woman I wrote to hasn't gotten back to me as of yet..Maybe she thought it was a scam. 

Arizona Sue 06/04/23 20:43

Hi Phoenix:   Thanks for going the extra mile to see what we can learn about the AWOL MD.   Fingers crossed that your inquiry produces an answer (hopefully, a good one).


Phoenix 06/04/23 17:15

Okay All!!! I've written to a lady called Charlene who looks like she takes care of a local newspaper in the South of Devon and told her of our plight, and asked her very kindly if she could put in a wee ad in the paper "Chat room friends looking for Mummy Dearest in Devon.... "  Always worth a try, right??????

Homely 06/04/23 05:26

Ladies - I'm glad we are all still here keeping the light on for MD if she or any of her relatives were to check in.


Homely 06/04/23 05:26

Ladies - I'm glad we are all still here keeping the light on for MD if she or any of her relatives were to check in.


Arizona Sue 06/03/23 23:27

Phoenix Sandra and Homely.  I used to joke with MD about showing up for dinner and wine on one of my trips to England.  Hubby and vacation in UK at least once a year. 

Phoenix 06/02/23 17:49

Thanks Homely, nice to be part of a group, although we've never met. When I think about it, I think that one of the people who posted on one of these cams knew who MD is.. as I recall them saying they were going to meet up somewhere... maybe my brain is getting mixed up though, getting old..   :-(


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