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Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility
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4.00 from 3 votes
Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility

5 hours ago

Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility

8 hours ago

Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility

11 hours ago

Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility

14 hours ago

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Comments (10)

MD 03/24/19 07:50

A train just went by from right to left!

37621 03/24/19 07:43

Well lightening blew the picture up. Poop

MD 01/06/17 18:03

Hi Carl ...... lots of the maps seem to be pretty random and cannot be relied on.

Carl Seiler 01/06/17 17:29

This is probably the balloon facility launch site located near Ft Sumner, New Mexico, which is on the Llano Estacado, very flat.

Carl Seiler 01/06/17 17:08

Fairly certain that this is NOT Palestine, Texas. The map shows it to be in Kansas. While not exactly mountainous, the facility in Palestine, TX, is surrounded by rolling, wooded hills. Futhermore, this shows considerable collection of snow today, which, while flurries are expected, Palestine has absolutely no snow accumulation at this time.  I think this is a facility in Kansas, which may be linked to the Palestine baloon lab, is in some other locaiton.

MD 01/09/15 22:33

LOL!  I know I moan about the hills in Devon but I prefer them to such flat land.

Mira Bilis 01/09/15 22:24

Yup ... everything's bigger in Texas ... except the mountains.  ;D

MD 01/09/15 22:07

Such flat countryside.

Mira Bilis 01/09/15 21:52

Network cam ...                                                                                 


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