Hi Roger Barker .... I hope you are well. It's 2 years today since Trix died, so she never heard of Covid. Seems to have been a long 2 years.
You take care.
MD03/19/15 15:16
Beautiful view.
MD12/11/14 14:11
Almost dark.
MD10/17/14 17:02
Mira Bilis... tweak away... you know I love accuracy! :D
Mira Bilis10/17/14 15:16
Lovely indeed. I tweaked the title. :)
MD10/17/14 11:42
What a peaceful view.
MD11/04/13 12:27
Hi Dona. This is beautiful in a chilly way. I've just read my wicked comment to Kyle on here, 16th July, but, in mitigation, it WAS in reply to his cheeky comment. I wish he was back doing his zillion one liners. I know you miss him too.
dona brantley11/04/13 07:45
still breath taking its snowin g and ican leave ill just stay on this cam and watch awe struck dona
MD07/16/13 13:01
Hi Zedyer, you sure you're not just taking the afternoon off to get a bit of sunshine, when you've finished on here? :)
MD07/16/13 12:42
Gotcha! Hahahaha. I'm sure I never said you were on ALL the time. I might have said that there are some cams with 16 consecutive, one line Kyle comments, all describing what you IMAGINED you could see but I never said you were on all the time. Hee hee! But I came very close to it! 8-)
kyle07/16/13 04:50
And MD, I'm not on ALL the time brat, darned bad way to look at my controbutions to OT , !!!snivel !!
But I will tell you, didnt think I'd say it, I miss working full time, alot, now-a-days, glad this is not something I do all the time, have so many irons in the fire, I tend to forget what i say, hehehehhe But is fum once you get to know the denizens, (And Brats hahahaha )
All be well
kyle07/16/13 04:44
I apologize as well, for interfering, seeing as you two know each other. I didn't realize the latter
MD07/15/13 17:38
Hi Alex. Most excitement I've had for ages but please don't do it again, my ticker wouldn't take it!
This view was lovely earlier but they've obviously had rain.
2314107/15/13 17:03
Just dont do it again.
2650707/15/13 16:57
sorry everyone on here for yesterday (i have already apolisgised to sid or "zedyer" in real life)
MD07/15/13 11:19
Hi Dona. I've seen this place many times. So serene. And this was the last cam on your morning's tour. Now I've got to search for myself!
dona brantley07/15/13 05:02
almost 3 years later still breath taking smile dona
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Hi Roger Barker .... I hope you are well. It's 2 years today since Trix died, so she never heard of Covid. Seems to have been a long 2 years.
You take care.
Beautiful view.
Almost dark.
Mira Bilis... tweak away... you know I love accuracy! :D
Lovely indeed. I tweaked the title. :)
What a peaceful view.
Hi Dona. This is beautiful in a chilly way. I've just read my wicked comment to Kyle on here, 16th July, but, in mitigation, it WAS in reply to his cheeky comment. I wish he was back doing his zillion one liners. I know you miss him too.
still breath taking its snowin g and ican leave ill just stay on this cam and watch awe struck dona
Hi Zedyer, you sure you're not just taking the afternoon off to get a bit of sunshine, when you've finished on here? :)
Gotcha! Hahahaha. I'm sure I never said you were on ALL the time. I might have said that there are some cams with 16 consecutive, one line Kyle comments, all describing what you IMAGINED you could see but I never said you were on all the time. Hee hee! But I came very close to it! 8-)
And MD, I'm not on ALL the time brat, darned bad way to look at my controbutions to OT , !!!snivel !!
But I will tell you, didnt think I'd say it, I miss working full time, alot, now-a-days, glad this is not something I do all the time, have so many irons in the fire, I tend to forget what i say, hehehehhe But is fum once you get to know the denizens, (And Brats hahahaha )
All be well
I apologize as well, for interfering, seeing as you two know each other. I didn't realize the latter
Hi Alex. Most excitement I've had for ages but please don't do it again, my ticker wouldn't take it!
This view was lovely earlier but they've obviously had rain.
Just dont do it again.
sorry everyone on here for yesterday (i have already apolisgised to sid or "zedyer" in real life)
Hi Dona. I've seen this place many times. So serene. And this was the last cam on your morning's tour. Now I've got to search for myself!
almost 3 years later still breath taking smile dona