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Bar Oviso
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4.37 from 51 votes
Bar Oviso

28180 hours ago

Bar Oviso

28183 hours ago

Bar Oviso

28186 hours ago

Bar Oviso

28189 hours ago

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Comments (1387)

deacon 01/18/22 15:35

A bar room brawl probably wiped out the camera.

Bert.S 12/12/21 13:14

Why doesnt the cam work nomore?

Bert.S 12/12/21 13:14

Why doesnt the cam work nomore?

MD 08/16/21 13:53

Happy birthday Indigo.

MD 05/10/21 18:47

Hi Szabo Zsolt .....  I've been there - you would enjoy it, the atmosphere is lovely.  I wish I'd visited Hungary.  I've been to Austria several times ...  if only I'd just crossed the border!!!  

MD 05/10/21 18:38

Hi Ed ....  I didn't manage to see that link ...  I kept timing out.  Story of my life.

Szabo Zsolt 05/09/21 21:54

Hi everybody! I like this place! I should be go to Oviso bar sometime! I'm from Hungary!


MD 03/26/21 23:41

Hi Phoenix ..... listening to conversations is the best.  It's fun and you can learn a lot ..... in more ways than one!

I have to agree ...  I think your 2 clangers really do take the cake. The thing is ... we learn from our mistakes.  I'm sure you didn't say it again and I know I didn't.   LOLOL

Phoenix 03/26/21 18:25

Hi MD, yup, I wonder how many clangers I dropped while learning Swedish..but telling people I was off to do sex, and telling people my hubby was dead, think maybe that might take the cake! LOL! or??  And you telling people you were on heat!!  I had a really good giggle at that one! We live in South Florida just a bit north of Fort Lauderdale, and there are LOADS of Spanish speaking people here. The big Mall a bit up the road from us prefers it's employees to be able to speak Spanish, so that shows how many Latinos live here. I just get a kick out of being able to read the shop signs in Spanish, every store has them, and listening to conversations. 

MD 03/26/21 00:15

Hi Phoenix ....  It sure made my old hubby laugh!!!!!   I know what you mean about everything being the other way round.  It's the same with French.  Sentence construction is vastly different.  The trouble for me is that after fifteen years of "French version"  I often find myself thinking that way now.

I'm laughing at you telling people he was dead. What a clanger!   Thank goodness there are people brave enough to point out our mistakes but I do wonder how many other things I've said and nobody pointed it out.  LOLOL

Verbs are a pain but it's worth persevering.  It's an achievement to speak another language.  I live in a tourist area and pre- Covid it was fun to hear a "foreigner" and be able to speak to them.

Phoenix 03/25/21 17:22

Spanish verbs are a pain, and they say everything the other way around from English.....OOOHHH! Well, i'll still keep trying.  :-)

Phoenix 03/25/21 17:20

LOL! MD, that must have been good for a giggle! I made some mistakes too in Swedish. My husband, boyfriend back then travelled a lot in his work, and when someone called and asked for him I told them he had "gÃ¥tt bort", which in Swedish means he was dead..I should have said "rest bort", which means travelled away. I was a bit puzzled at some of the answers I received until someone enlightened me. I also used a word that meant a bit of sex when I said I was just going to do something fast.. Someone enlightened me on that too! Was funny to look back on, but wondered what the people I had told he was dead were thinking when I was sounded so happy about it.. 

MD 03/23/21 19:22

Hi Phoenix ...  learning a language as you learned Swedish, by picking it up, is the best way to learn. That's how I picked up my Spanish ... bit by bit starting at 16.  Like you - I got my French at school but nothing prepares you for real conversations until you do them. It's all very well having certificates but I managed to make a most embarrasing mistake.  I know nothing about conjugating verbs in Spanish but was sure I was fine with French. However ..... in a hotel I said to fellow guest that I was hot ... meaning really warm.  Just 3 little words. Je (I) suis (am) chaude (hot.)  She smiled .... make that chuckled.  I'd conjugated with "etre" meaning "to be."  I should have used "avoir" - "to have,"  which would have been "j'ai chaude."  Seeing that I was puzzled at her amusement she explained that I'd just announced I was in heat!!!!!!

Phoenix 03/21/21 18:39

Hola MD, you have certainly lead a very interesting life! I took up Spanish to activate my brain cells as I thought they were getting a bit dim... just sat in front of the computer and played those stupid said to myself! No more! i used to be a webmaster and that kept the old cells going.. I got French at school but don't remember much of the language, then of course Swedish, which was easy to pick up I thought, but I was only 29 years old at the time, and no one would speak English with me.. you have to learn, they said 😌, so I did. I spend around one hour each day with the lessons, the program I use is Duolingo, rather good but lacking in some areas. But, I enjoy it.. Lo disfruto!! Hope you are keeping well, I'm starting to go a bit cabin crazy. 🤪

MD 03/16/21 19:47

Hola Phoenix ..... Nunca he trabajado en España pero he pasado mucho tiempo allí, always in hotels .... that's why I'm fluent in menus and room service.  LOLOL

Lots of Spanish words are very similar to French,  which was a big help to me.  Spanish .... all things femine end in "a,"  masculine end in "o."  "V" is often pronounced as "b," for example "vale vale" is pronounced "barlay barlay" and is always said to you twice - with attitude - when you remind hotel roomstaff that they've forgotten something!   I think it's brilliant that you are learning another language.  I can get by in Spanish and Italian and of course French.  What they taught me at school was nothing like the French that they speak in the Pyrenees. The mountain range is the physical border between France and Spain so you get a mixture of both languages. Then we moved to the other side of France, not far from the Italian border.  In the 15 years I lived in France I managed to pick up different dialects but Paris seems to have a language of its own!

Phoenix 03/15/21 15:25

Está bien, MD.... estoy apriendo español, pero a veces muy dificil... The verb endings are horrific.. Horrible!! :-) Has trabajado en España? 

MD 03/14/21 23:19

Hi JimE   ...... I didn't know that's where South Pacific was filmed.  I remember seeing it at the cinema when it first came out.  I loved it. 

Maybe FEMA will be called upon to assist if things get any worse.  The lack of tourism is obviously a disaster for Hawaii and now floods are making things worse.  I hope the coffee place survives.  It's always fun to watch when they have visitors   .....  especially a visitor we know!!  :D

JimE 03/14/21 22:09

Hi MD.  Yes I saw the news concerning the flooding on Kaua'i.  It's the exact same river and area that was flooded last time I was there.  I remeber, and I may have posted, that one needed a pass displayed on your windshield if you ventured beyond a ceratin point to prove that you were a resident so you weren't ticketed or towed away!  Still the best jumping off spots for hiking the Kalalau Trail.  Princeville and Hanalei Bay (where South Pacific, the musical, was filmed!) are both affected.  I don't think the area was fully opened from the last incident.

Ed Hilver 03/14/21 20:25

Hi MD....... i see a shirt saying STAFF.


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