On 14 June 1940, while world's attention was focused on the fall of Paris to Nazi Germany a day earlier, the Soviet military blockade on Estonia went into effect, two Soviet bombers downed the Finnish passenger airplane "Kaleva" flying from Tallinn to Helsinki carrying three diplomatic pouches from the US legations in Tallinn, Riga and Helsinki. On 16 June 1940, the Soviet Union invaded Estonia. The Red Army exited from their military bases in Estonia on 17 June. The following day, some 90,000 additional troops entered the country. In the face of overwhelming Soviet force, the Estonian government capitulated on 17 June 1940 to avoid bloodshed.
  • Tallinn Harbour (Webcam Offline)
    Tallinn Harbour (Webcam ...
    Estonia | Harjumaa | Tallinn
  • Keskväljak
    Estonia | Järvamaa | Paide
  • Keskväljak
    Estonia | Järvamaa | Paide
  • Keskväljak
    Estonia | Järvamaa | Paide
  • Keskväljak
    Estonia | Järvamaa | Paide
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