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Comments (458)

MD 11/16/22 03:55

Hi Sue ....  I just watched Trump announce that he's running for President again.  What a dreadful thought.

Arizona Sue 11/15/22 22:16

Hi MD.  Yes, finally we have a decision.  Katie ran a lackluster campaign against the Trump in a Dress Kari.   But sanity prevailed!   Once Kari started dumping on the memory of John McCain, AZ's sacred cow, she went too far for a lot of Republicans.  

MD 11/15/22 16:46

And finally .... Katie beat Kari Lake.

MD 11/13/22 04:10

Pps.  Still fingers crossed for Katie Hobbs but the Dems have kept the Senate.  Now I can go to bed as it's past 3am in the UK but I've been waiting up for results.


MD 11/12/22 15:07

Ps.  Fingers crossed for Katie Hobbs ...  she's in the lead as I type this.

MD 11/12/22 14:48

Hi Sue .... I don't blame hubby for making sure he uses all of his allotted vacation time - silly not to.  I wonder if that nasty bug is our flu.  I always get my flu jab but it's not always useful.  The last time I went to Spain, having had my flu jab, I got flu but not Spanish flu -  I managed to get Australian flu.  I've never felt so ill.

Charles deserves a beating.

By now I'm sure you know that the Dems did good!!!!!

Arizona Sue 11/12/22 04:45

Hi MD.  Hubby goes back to work a week from today(Friday).  He gets six weeks vacation every year and he is judicious about using it and not losing it.  We're both feeling better but still have hacking coughs.  This is one nasty bug that we picked up. I spent the last two days on the couch bingeing season 5 of The Crown.  Loved it.  Charles certainly takes a beating in this portrayal of who he was.  Dominic West nailed it.   In other news, as I write this, we still don't have final votes tallied here in Arizona.   It's neck and neck with Trump loving and backed senate and governor candidates with our Democratic Party rivals.  Nail biting!

MD 11/09/22 00:56

Hi Sue ...  oh I can imagine the fun in that household!  Continentals are very animated.  I used to love market days.  You never heard a normal conversation.  Even buying a lettuce could involve waving arms and lengthy, loud discussions.  So much more fun than staid, stilted English.  I feel I've been back in England too long.

I'm really glad you had a wonderful vacation.  Now you need a week to get over it.  When does hubby go back to work ... not too soon I hope.

Arizona Sue 11/08/22 16:53

Hi MD.  Yes, we are home in Phoenix as of yesterday (Monday).   Hubby and I both sick with colds and I still have laryngitis.  Worn out and exhausted but it was absolutely wonderful experience in France, England, and Scotland.  My first mother in law was French.  Born in Grenoble.   Loved her.  She married a US soldier in WW2.  He was of Italian descent.  You can imagine the tempers flaring in that household.   She once told me a story of how she smacked my to be husband across the mouth with a chicken leg(she was making dinner) because he said something she didn't like!

MD 11/07/22 02:21

Hi Sue ....  I guess you are still in Los Angeles at this time, 1.20am Monday, UK time.  I'm glad you had a lovely vacation.  It seems to have gone by so quickly to me but I expect it seems much longer to you ... visiting all those places.  I know you had visited France before ...  mother in law in Grenoble?  It's great to go places but it's always good to get home.  Now you can warm up again.  LOLOLOL

Arizona Sue 11/06/22 16:39

Hi MD.  We're at Heathrow awaiting our flight to Los Angeles.   Then it's back to Phoenix on Monday.   It's been  wonderful trip despite our having colds late in the journey.   I also had laryngitis in Scotland.   Nevertheless, it was a memorable visit and great to see our friends.   France was memorable because it brought back memories of long ago trip when I was young.   Food great.  The Crew spoke English and the service excellent.  Great experience.   

MD 11/02/22 23:39

Hi Sue ...  I'm so glad it's going well.  Thank you for keeping me informed  ... you know I travel vicariously.  Have fun in Scotland. 

Arizona Sue 11/02/22 20:10

The cruise was wonderful!   Great weather and good company among those fellow travelers.   French, British, and American.   There were just six of us onboard who spoke English as our first language.   The crew was bi lingual or trilingual.   We've been in London for two days (lots of fun).   Off to Scotland tomorrow 😊

MD 10/27/22 22:20

Hi Sue ....  I love Lyon. I wish I could be there, such a busy place. And the food ....

I'm sure the food on the cruise will live up to expectations  ...  but I do enjoy a full English breakfast ... with smoked bacon for preference, only in England.  When in Rome .....   LOLOLOL

Arizona Sue 10/27/22 07:34

Hi MD.  We landed in London yesterday.   Yes, rain but not enough to affect our journey to Lyon later today.   Hubby had full English breakfast this morning at the hotel.  I had croissant and cold cereal and a boatload of delicious tea.   Love having a teapot here in our room.   Wish we could meet you in Lyon.  

MD 10/24/22 15:10

Hi Sue ... it's a shame London will possibly be wet but our weather changes rapidly.  It's glorious sunshine where I am but about an hour ago it was raining heavily.  You might be lucky but it's only overnight and then you'll be off to France!  You lucky people. 

I don't know if you remember Indigo who used to comment on here.  We exchanged email addresses 4 years ago without a problem.  My daughter sorted it out but it took a few days so maybe when you get back from your travels we could try to do the same.

In the meantime ...  Bon Voyage!   Have fun.  I won't ask you to take notes.  LOLOLOL!!!!

Arizona Sue 10/24/22 01:43

Hi MD.  We are taking jackets on our trip and not winter coats.   It would be lovely to meet you on the cruise!   I'd send you my email if I knew how to do so without letting everyone on Opentopia have that information.  Thanks for the weather update.   We will get into London on Tuesday afternoon.  Our flight to Lyon is the next day.   Looks like a rainy night on Abbey Road!

MD 10/22/22 14:48

Hi Sue ....   I've just checked the weather forecast for your cruise ...  it's going to be lovely!  Have a wonderful time.   MD

MD 10/19/22 03:29

Hi Sue ....  I once did the same thing with rabbit ... only the odd bones gave it away ... no drumstick!!!! 

Kari Lake is as bad as Trump.  I've been watching the debates.  Marjorie Taylor Greene made me laugh when she said her husband has evidence of voting fraud.  I'm sure she won't be able to produce it now they are getting divorced.  All these election deniers with "evidence" that none of them has been able to produce in the 23 months since the election.  I've watched all of the J6 hearings.  The sad thing is ... the people who watched the hearings already know the truth.  I just hope Merrick Garland indicts Trump soon.  Seems like Letitia James will beat him to it.  If Elon Musk does buy Twitter it will be The Donald Trump Show all over again.

Our politicians are rubbish but at least they resign when they're caught out.  Mind you ... if Republicans did that there would be none left. 

Oh I do wish I was going on your cruise.  LOLOLOL


Arizona Sue 10/19/22 00:17

MD.  I just mailed my ballot.   Hubby hasn't gotten his yet.  This election in Arizona is too important not to vote.  The Trump candidate for Governor is a wacko like him.  She's Trump in a dress.  Horrible woman.  


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